Returning safely to in-person activities

Good afternoon to our U of T Engineering community

A quick note to follow the University’s latest update on campus status. I’m writing to share that in Engineering, we anticipate a safe return to in-person classes on Monday, as we had planned. The University is closely monitoring the protest at Queen’s Park, and will share any necessary updates through the UTAlert system — I encourage everyone to sign up if you haven’t yet.

To me, learning from each other in person is vital to engineering. I also know that many are anxious about this return — all of us have been affected by the pandemic in diverse and complex ways, and I recognize and appreciate the stress that all of us are feeling.

Over the last month, we have made thorough preparations that prioritize safety and wellness, to ensure we’re ready to welcome our community back to campus. We are going to take this return to in-person one step at a time, similar to how we approached the return during the Fall Term. I think key words for the rest of this term will be flexibility and adaptability.

Engineering is a very special community, built on collaboration and teamwork. It has taken all of us working together to get to this point. This week we will be carefully observing how the return to in-person goes, and making adjustments as needed to ensure a safe and successful semester.


Christopher Yip
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
University of Toronto

Support Resources for Students

Academic Concerns & Advising

You may have concerns about upcoming academic work.

Mental Health Resources for Students

Each of us responds to stress, anxiety and uncertainty differently — at one time or another, we all need help. If you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure where to turn, please reach out.

U of T My Student Support Program (MySSP)

  • Immediate and/or ongoing confidential, 24-hour counselling support
  • 1-844-451-9700 (outside of North America, call 001-416-380-6578)
  • Download the My SSP app: Apple App Store | Google Play.

Multifaith Chaplains

U of T St. George Health & Wellness

  • Physical & mental health care by physicians, nurses, counsellors and psychologists.
  • 416-978-8030

U of T Engineering Mental Health & Wellness

  • Mental Health learning opportunities, COVID-related resources, reports, services & supports for U of T Engineering.

Student Mental Health Resource

  • U of T’s mental health resource hub containing the tools, strategies and experts to meet you exactly where you are on your mental health journey.

Support Resources for Staff and Faculty

For staff and faculty who are supporting students navigating mental health challenges, the U of T Engineering Student Well-Being Resource Guide outlines additional considerations and a variety of resources for both you and the student. We thank you in advance for all the ways that you continue to foster a culture of care and support here at U of T Engineering.

All U of T staff and faculty members have access to the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP). If you are experiencing distress, please reach out at any time – 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year – by contacting the EFAP at:

  • (Toll-free) 1-800-663-1142
  • (TTY) 1-866-398-9505
  • (Collect) 604-689-1717

Dean's Messages

Latest information for Engineering students, faculty & staff from Dean Chris Yip.

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