Centralized Process for Student Initiative Funding (CPSIF)

Are you a U of T Engineering student looking for funding to support your club or initiative?

The Centralized Process for Student Initiative Funding (CPSIF) allows student groups to apply to various funding sources from within the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering in a single application. Departments and affiliates of this program will all receive the same application and budget, and will use this information to review student group funding requests.

You may only apply once per academic/fiscal year. You will be asked to provide past financial records along with projected expenses and all sources of income.

We encourage you to review our Conditions for Successful Applicants document before applying.

On this page

    CPSIF core values

    The CPSIF is a program supported by the Dean’s Office, Engineering Alumni & Friends, departments and divisions of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, the Engineering Society (EngSoc), and the You’re Next Career Network (YNCN). The program supports student initiatives that align with the following core values:

    • Enhances the undergraduate and/or graduate student experience in the Faculty
    • Builds an inclusive community among students and alumni
    • Contributes to leadership and/or professional development of students in the Faculty
    • Increases the visibility, profile and/or awareness of the Faculty, EngSoc, and/or the discipline of engineering itself

    Given differences in the goals and activities of student groups, each group is not required to demonstrate alignment with all four listed values; however, at least one the values (and preferably more) should be evident when groups apply for funding.

    Members from Blue Sky Solar Racing Club working on their device.

    Key dates & deadlines

    The CPSIF application period for 2023-24 is now closed. The 2024-25 cycle will open in late Summer 2024.

    Since 2016, CPSIF has moved from three cycles to a single cycle, with a Fall deadline for student group applications. Student groups are encouraged to start considering their plans for the next school year in preparation for requesting all funding for 2023-2024 in their Fall applications. Requests for funding should cover the period from September 2023 to August 2024.

    Additionally, since moving to a single cycle process in 2016, CPSIF has allocated $355,000 - $375,000 annually towards funding an average of 90 student groups each year. The total funding requested by groups each year tends to be approximately double the amount of funding available. In 2022-23 however, the amount requested was closer to triple the available funding amount.

    Groups are encouraged to keep these numbers in mind when developing their budget and CPSIF applications. For groups that are looking for additional funding, there are other options that can be considered, including UTSU funding, UTGSU Donation Requests, the Student Initiative Fund, or additional funding opportunities from other Faculties or University offices (subject to eligibility). Some groups may also consider exploring working with corporate donors.

    Students pose with robotics

    The key dates and deadlines for the 2023-24 CPSIF cycle are:

    • Monday August 28, 2023 (12PM ET / noon): 2023-24 CPSIF application period opens
    • Wednesday October 4, 2023 (12PM ET / noon): 2023-24 CPSIF application period closes
    • Wednesday November 1, 2023: Student initiatives notified of funding decisions
    • Monday November 20, 2023 – Wednesday January 31, 2024: Cheque pick up period
    • Wednesday May 22, 2024 (11:59PM ET): Successful applicants submit Impact Report

    Groups are expected to demonstrate professionalism throughout the CPSIF process and adhere to the published deadlines. Cheques that are not picked up by the end of the pick-up period will be returned to the issuing funding area, and will also incur a demerit point, which will factor into funding decisions for the next CPSIF cycle. Late submissions for Impact Reports will also incur demerit points, and a group that does not submit an Impact Report will be ineligible to receive future funding until a report is submitted.

    Note: You may only apply once per academic/fiscal year. To ensure an accountable and fair process, student initiative funding requests made outside of this program deadline will not be considered. Additionally, groups working with corporate donors or non-U of T students under the age of 18 must contact the relevant offices by Monday September 18, 2023. Please review the CPSIF Application Form (2023-2024) section for more details.

    Impact reports

    The CPSIF Impact Report is compiled to highlight the accomplishments of funded student groups. By sharing your story, you will be inspiring the engineering community and encouraging more students to get involved.

    During the 2022–2023 school year, a total of $368,553.64 was granted to 83 student groups. The 2022–23 CPSIF Impact Report provides summaries of the impact that the funds have made for engineering students.

    In 2023-24, the format of Impact Report submissions will change. Rather than an essay format, groups will be asked to fill out a Form with information about your group’s activities and achievements. Further details about this format change will sent directly by email to funded groups in Winter 2024.

    As a reminder, future funding is contingent upon your group submitting the Impact Report Form; late submissions will incur demerit points. Impact Report submissions for 2023-24 will be due Wednesday May 22, 2024.

    If you have any questions about the new CPSIF Impact Report Form, please email setd.engineering@utoronto.ca.

    Five Lady Godiva Memorial Band members posing for a photo with their instruments

    CPSIF application form (2023-2024)

    The CPSIF application period for 2023-24 is now closed. The information below now serves as a reference point for groups interested in learning more about the process for the next cycle in 2024-25.

    The 2023-24 CPSIF Application Form will be open from 12PM (noon) on Monday August 28, 2023 to 12PM (noon) on Wednesday October 4, 2023. The Application Form will contain up to 50 questions across up to 10 sections. Please fill out all applicable questions. The sections are as follows:

    1. Student Group Overview
    2. Amount Requested per Funding Area
    3. Funding Request Rationale
    4. Group Membership and Affiliation
    5. Activities related to Engineering Offices
    6. U of T Engineering's Mental Health Initiatives Community of Practice (MHI CoP) & Microgrants for Mental Health Initiatives program
    7. U of T Engineering's Diversity, Inclusion and Professionalism Initiatives Community of Practice (DIP CoP) & the Microgrants for Belonging Initiatives program
    8. CPSIF Contact Person
    9. Funding Transfer Process and Information
    10. Budget

    You are encouraged to download the *new*  Budget template and review the Application Questions document in advance of filling out the Application Form.

    While the deadline for the 2023-24 CPSIF Application is 12PM (noon) on Wednesday October 4, 2023, there are two components that may require earlier action if applicable to your student group’s activities:

    • Applications involving non-U of T students under the age of 18 will not be considered without confirmed consultation with the Engineering Student Outreach Office. Please contact Dawn Britton (Associate Director, Engineering Student Outreach Office) at dawn.britton@utoronto.ca by Monday September 18, 2023.
    • Applications involving groups approaching corporate donors for an amount exceeding $10,000 (per donor) will not be considered without approval from the Advancement Office. Please contact the Office of Advancement by Monday September 18, 2023 at advancement@engineering.utoronto.ca.

    Additional support & contact

    Staff and students across the faculty are willing to help review your application and student groups can request to have their applications reviewed prior to submitting to ensure that it will be in good standing with the CPSIF Committee.

    If you would like to have your application reviewed prior to submission or have any questions about the overall CPSIF process, please reach out to Sania Hameed, Associate Director Student Experience & Teaching Development at setd.engineering@utoronto.ca.