COVID-19 Update: March 18, 2020 | 11:30 am

To our U of T Engineering undergraduate students

With the adaptations and alterations to courses this semester, we are making some changes to give our students every possible opportunity to succeed and have agency over their own studies.

For this Winter 2020 semester only, students enrolled in undergraduate programs will have the option of choosing how their grade is recorded on their transcript, which could include a percent (%) grade as normal, or opt for a Credit or No Credit (CR/NCR) option after they see their final grades.

  • These choices can be made by individual students and indicated in ACORN — they will not be applied on a course-wide basis.
  • For this Winter 2020 semester, there will be no limit on the total number of courses to which students can choose to apply the CR/NCR option.
  • The CR/NCR option will be available for both core and non-core courses.
  • We will extend the drop deadline for all undergraduate courses to one week after the Exam Committee has approved the final grades and they are available to students. 

We came to this decision after extensive consultation with your Chairs and Directors, the Vice-Deans Undergraduate and First-Year, as well as the Exam Committee, which included representation from the Engineering Society.

To our graduate students: more specific information is coming soon for graduate courses. Currently the School of Graduate Studies has extended the deadline to drop graduate courses without penalty to 25 April 2020 — with the intent that this gives students the opportunity to fully consider any proposed amendments to course delivery before they make the decision to continue or drop.

Regarding final assessments for both undergraduate and graduate students, we’re working nonstop on putting together solutions that will give instructors the ability to deliver meaningful and productive evaluations or assignments, and that give students the best chance to succeed. We’ll be coming back to both faculty and students with more details on that shortly.


Christopher Yip
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
University of Toronto

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