Dear Engineering students, staff and faculty
You will all have received the below message from President Gertler outlining changes to our classes and operations. I want to make it clear how these changes affect us here in Engineering.
- We will be cancelling all in-person meetings of undergraduate and graduate classes, effective Monday, 16 March 2020 through the end of the semester, which is 9 April 2020 for Engineering. Classes scheduled for today, 13 March 2020, will meet in person.
- Students, please check Quercus for messages from your instructors on the nature of any changes to your courses.
- Exams will happen — we will update you as soon as we are able on any changes to delivery or format.
- Our campus remains open, and staff and faculty should continue to come to work on site at this time where they are able.
- As always, any students, staff and faculty with cold and flu symptoms should stay home and report their absence through the tools available — the Absence Declaration tool in ACORN for students, or Employee Self Service for staff and faculty.
This is a very complex situation and things change rapidly — I know that this is a confusing time so I will keep everyone up to date on events, news, and announcements from my office via our various channels.
Christopher Yip
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
University of Toronto