Dean's Messages

Latest information for Engineering students, faculty & staff from Dean Chris Yip

Appointment of Interim Director, Division of Engineering Science

July 4, 2022

I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Aimy Bazylak as Interim Director of the Division of Engineering Science for a term of six-months, effective July 1, 2022.

Aimy joined the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering in 2008, was promoted to Associate Professor in 2013, and to full Professor in 2018. She is the Tier II Canada Research Chair in Thermofluidics for Clean Energy.

From 2015-2018, Aimy served as Director of the University of Toronto Institute for Sustainable Energy (ISE). Since 2016 she has served as the Option Chair, Engineering Science Energy Option, and most recently has served as Associate Chair, Research and Associate Chair, Years 3 and 4 in the Division of Engineering Science. In 2021, Aimy served as Acting Vice-Dean Undergraduate for a six-month term.

Please join me in in expressing gratitude to Aimy for serving in this important leadership role for the Faculty.

On behalf of the Faculty, I also extend sincere gratitude and appreciation to Professor Will Cluett for his leadership of Engineering Science these past 3 years. His dedication to the success of the Division, Faculty and indeed the University has been a constant feature of his leadership, even during the most challenging days of the pandemic. Thank you, Will.

Speaker of Faculty Council, 2022-2024

June 14, 2022

I am pleased to announce that Professor Jun Nogami of the Department of Materials Science & Engineering has been acclaimed as the Speaker of Faculty Council for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic years, beginning July 1, 2022. We are grateful to Professor Nogami for his commitment and leadership within the Faculty.

We express our deep gratitude to Professor Javad Mostaghimi for his exemplary service as Council Speaker since 2020. In particular, Professor Mostaghimi’s tireless leadership during Covid as we moved from in person to online to hybrid Council meetings is very much appreciated.

Update on Fall & wishing you a relaxing summer

June 9, 2022

To our U of T Engineering community

You all received the University-wide message this afternoon that shares important updates on U of T’s mask policy and our plans for a safe in-person Fall Term. This is consistent with the path we’ve already been on here in U of T Engineering — we will continue to be informed by public health guidelines, and at this point I’m looking forward to feeling that unique back-to-Skule™ energy on campus.

But before we start thinking ahead to September, I want to encourage everyone to really enjoy your time this summer. We’ve all been through a lot over the last couple of years, and I hope each of you can finally take an opportunity to unplug, unwind and relax. It is so important to step back from work for a while and find a balance that supports your own well-being. I’m certainly looking forward to taking some time to detach and recharge. We all need a rest!

Wishing you a wonderful summer,


Christopher Yip
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
University of Toronto


To: University of Toronto community
From: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost
Kelly Hannah-Moffat, Vice-President, People Strategy, Equity & Culture
Re: Fall planning and mask requirement


Our community has overcome tremendous challenges both collectively and individually over the past two years. We are grateful to all members of the U of T community for your creativity in adjusting to changing circumstances, for maintaining our educational programs and research and for the compassion and care you have shown to others. We hope that with the close of this academic year, we can all find hope celebrating our new graduates and reflecting on our shared accomplishments.

The close of the academic year also means that we are embarking on the summer term and continue to plan for the fall. We write today to provide some updates, and we encourage all of you to continue to watch our Utogether website for updates and opportunities to reconnect.

Planning for September

The University of Toronto is preparing for mostly in-person course delivery this fall. Details of how courses will be delivered will vary by Faculty, and by campus, according to local needs and program requirements. Information about course delivery will be available on Faculty and campus websites before course registration begins.

We are looking forward to welcoming new and returning members of our community to our campuses this fall. Many will be experiencing campus life for the first time, and for others it will be a chance to become reacquainted. We encourage everyone to seek out the connections and experiences that make U of T such a unique and diverse institution.

Face masks

The University’s current mask requirement will be lifted as of July 1, 2022, subject to any changes in public health guidance.

Some members of our community may choose to continue to wear a mask after July 1. We ask everyone to respect each other’s decisions, comfort levels and health needs.


The University implemented a sector-leading ventilation strategy that includes improvements to existing ventilation systems that service all parts of buildings, including classrooms, labs, offices, meeting rooms and hallways. Further to this, air-change assessments have met a high-ventilation target in all classrooms that are in use. These exceptional ventilation standards will continue. See U of T’s HVAC strategy website for more information.


The pandemic has touched all of our lives in many different ways. Please know that the University has wellness resources available to our community to help us deal with adversity and loss, and to help rebuild our individual and collective well-being.

For students, a number of programs and services are available (see the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students’ webpage for more information).

My Student Support Program (My SSP) provides students with real-time and/or appointment-based confidential, 24-hour support for any school, health or general life concerns at no cost.

The University’s new Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP), offers a variety of services and supports to all staff, faculty, and librarians. Resources include confidential short–term counselling, coaching, information, and support for various types of issues relating to mental health, health management, and achieving greater personal and workplace well-being, among others. This program is provided at no cost 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. Call toll-free 1-855-597-2110.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our community and our academic mission as we prepare for the coming academic year together. Although the past two years have been difficult for many of us, we will continue to move forward together with the same care, compassion, respect, and collective strength that have carried us through this unprecedented time.

Please continue to check the Utogether website for the latest updates.