- Minutes of the Faculty Council Meeting of February 29, 2016
- Minutes of the Faculty Council Meeting of April 12, 2016
- Memorial Tribute to URSULA FRANKLIN
- Updates to Faculty Appointments to Standing Committees of the Council and the Academic Appeals Board, 2016-2017 (Report 3501 Revised)
- Annual Report of the Academic Appeals Board to Faculty Council for the Period of September 2015 to September 2016 (Report 3513)
- Closure of Master of Engineering in Design and Manufacturing (Report 3508)
- Revised Terms of Reference for Faculty Research Leader Award (Report 3509)
- EGEC Information Report (Report 3507)
- Planned Activities for the CA&GI Committee, 2016-17 (Report 3506)
- Minutes of the Faculty Council Meeting of October 25, 2016
- Session Dates for the 2017–2018 Academic Year (Report 3524 Revised)
- Major Curriculum Changes for 2017–2018 (Report 3525 Revised)
- Undergraduate Academic Certificate in Forensic Engineering (Report 3527)
- Admissions Committee: Admissions Cycle 2016 (Report 3517 Revised)
* Contact governance.fase@utoronto.ca for report
- Engineering Graduate Education Committee: Update (Report 3519)
- Examinations Committee: Revisions to Deferred Examination Policy (Report 3516)
- Admissions Committee: Goals and Objectives, 2016–2017 (Report 3506)
- Examinations Committee: Goals, 2016–2017 (Report 3520)
- Scholarships and Awards Committee: Plans for the 2016–2017 Academic Year (Report 3522)
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee: Goals for 2016–2017 (Report 3523)
- Update from the Task Force for Academic and Student Advising
- Update from the Working Group to Create an Institute for Engineering Education
- Minutes of the Faculty Council Meeting of December 1, 2017
- Memorial Tribute to PROFESSOR S.M. (MIKE) UZUMERI
- FASE & South China University of Technology Dual Degree Program (Report 3528 Revised)
- Undergraduate Minor in Advanced Manufacturing (Report 3530 Revised)
- Major Curriculum Changes for 2017–2018 (Report 3531 Revised)
- Engineering Graduate Education Committee: Update (Report 3533)
- Examinations Committee: Changes to the Final Mark Recheck Policy (Report 3532 Revised)
- Revised Session Dates for Summer 2017 (Report 3524 Revised)
– Discussion Item #1: Engineering Science Major in Machine Learning
– Discussion Item #2: Mental Health Task Force Final Report
- Institute for Water Innovation as an EDU:C (Report 3536 Revised)
- Increasing Length of Civil Engineering’s MASc Program (Report 3542)
- Adding Part-time Option to IBBME’s MEng Program (Report 3543)
- Collaborative Master’s Specialization in Psychology and Engineering (Report 3541 Revised)
- Re-Issued Session Dates for 2017–2018 (Report 3538)
- Changes to the Policy on Students Taking Courses during the Second Probation Withdrawal Period (Report 3546 Revised)
- Changes to the Policy on Students Withdrawing from Courses after the Withdrawal Deadline without Documentation (Report 3547 Revised)
- Engineering Graduate Education Committee: Update (Report 3540)
- Examinations Committee: Minor Changes to the Wording in the Calendar Entry for the new Probation Lifting Policy (Report 3548)
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee: Minor Curriculum Changes (Report 3536)
- Faculty Appointments to Standing Committees and Academic Appeals Board, 2017–2018 (Report 3459 Revised)
- Report of the Engineering Alumni Honours & Awards Committee (Report 3552)