Module 3: Blackness in STEM

This module is framed around four themes that will help you take practical steps within your own spheres of influence — from classrooms to boardrooms and everywhere in-between. By engaging with the resources below, you can build the skills and knowledge necessary to introduce topics like anti-Black racism and Black excellence into your classes, offices and teams to help combat the systemic barriers faced by Black persons pursing STEM.

To complete this module, spend at least two hours engaging with at least one theme below. Please remember to leave time for self care and reflection as you move through these resources.

Community reflections

“In high school, I could not see the connection between engineering and people. Now I know that everything that engineers do has an impact on people, society and the environment. It is imperative that U of T Engineering graduates understand the diverse perspectives of people both within and outside their community. We need more than just acceptance: we need a celebration of these differences. Instilling these values will encourage U of T Engineering graduates to consider the impact they are having, resulting in systemic, positive change.” - Dimpho Radebe, Engineering Education PhD candidate (read more of Dimpho’s reflections)


“I am inspired by the endless possibilities within science and engineering. I am inspired by women who have challenged the status quo by even choosing to follow the path of engineering. I am inspired by the growth I see with Black women finally taking a seat at the STEM table where we rightfully belong!” - Memma Uponi, Mechanical Engineering student (read more of Memma’s reflections)