External Review

Under the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP), the University reviews all Faculties, units and their programs a minimum of every eight years. These reviews provide an unparalleled opportunity to secure the expert advice of leaders in the field concerning academic and administrative issues, assess performance against leading international programs, and secure guidance on key strategic directions. 

The Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering will participate in an external review in 2023-2024 with a site visit from December 4 - 6, 2023. The review was commissioned by the Vice-President and Provost, and includes a self-study that addresses the review terms of reference and discusses the Faculty’s accomplishments, culture of excellence and progress in achieving our academic goals since our last provostial review in 2016-2017. A summary of the 2023-2024 review will be presented to university governance and made broadly available to faculty, staff, students and alumni. 

For any questions on the review process, please contact vdstrategic@engineering.utoronto.ca


2023-2024 External Review 

Commissioning documents


FASE Review Team Report


Academic Plan