COVID-19 Update: March 17, 2020 | 2:30 pm

To our U of T Engineering community

Reaching out to update you with the latest and share what this means for us here in U of T Engineering. Based on the current information from public health officials and our governments, U of T continues to adjust to safeguard the health of our students, staff and faculty. The latest changes outlined by the Provost include:

  • All University buildings will be closed as of 11:59 pm, March 17, 2020 to the general public. Members of the University community will need key or fob access to enter them.
  • Libraries at the University of Toronto will be closed as of 11:59 pm, March 17, 2020. Robarts will be open to members of the U of T community with limited staff.
  • U of T will continue to provide residences for those students who cannot return home at this point.
  • Any employee who can work from home should do so.
  • All lab-based research operations must be shut down no later than 5 pm, Friday March 20, 2020.
    • I’m asking researchers to be flexible and creative in how you support your research-stream graduate students and what can be moved online.
    • Sharing this COVID-19 Lab Preparedness Checklist you may find useful.
    • If you have specific questions about adapting your research or incorporating social distancing in your labs, please start by contacting your respective Associate Chairs – Research, and they will confer with Ramin Farnood as Vice-Dean, Research, as needed.
    • We’ve also established a Research Continuity page on the Faculty & Staff Hub and will keep this updated with the latest.

I know many of you are wondering about final assessments and options for exams — I have heard may of your ideas and concerns. We will also be sharing info on plans for assessments later this week — we are working on solutions that best serve our students and allow our professors and instructors to deliver their courses in a meaningful way.

I realise that this is a very complex, challenging and uncertain moment for all of us and I thank everyone for everything that they are doing and will continue to do. We will make this work.


Christopher Yip
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
University of Toronto

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